Bio-e-Bank offers total control over sample information

Information can currently be collected at three levels: Patient, Donation and Sample. Patient information can be dissociated or anonymized to protect privacy. Clinical data associated with a case or episode is usually associated at the Donation level, and the characteristics of individual samples can also be individually managed.


In Bio-e-Bank, all information associated with each element (patient, donation or sample) is collected in a series of configurable “questionnaires”. These are user-editable forms that allow the collection of all kinds of information, from a wide range of field types:


  1. Free text and numerical fields
  2. Single and Multiple-choice lists, Checkboxes
  3. Drop-down selections
  4. Dates and times
  5. Searchable combo boxes for long lists
  6. Validated pattern fields
  7. Tables


The built-in questionnaire editor allows questionnaires to be divided into various pages to add logical divisions to the forms and for the questionnaires to be shared across biobank networks in order to harmonize the information collected.


Data management


Information collected in the forms can then be used to locate samples for distribution to researchers. A simple yet effective search engine allows groups of selected samples to be associated with a request, which the system then manages from reception of the request, through approvals to the dispatch of the samples.


The systematic collection of data through questionnaires means that the data themselves can be converted into useful information. The search engine offers an export facility, allowing data to be further explored, mined and manipulated using spreadsheet or statistical software such as Microsoft Excel or SPSS.


To find out more about how Bio-e-Bank can help you manage your sample data, please contact us